
23号来自俄亥俄州圣玛丽高中的LBJ You gonna bring all we need,its time now,its our city ,we gotta do it for them 大家全力以赴,千钧一发,为了我们的城市 we gotta do it for Cleveland 为了克利夫兰 Every single night,Every single practice,Every single game...

休息,然后再来一遍 2 to 4 2点到4点 now you\\'re back at it again 7 to 9 然后7 点到9点,再来一遍 Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at 4 所以你看,四点起床让我可以多训练这么长时间 Alright and so now you do that 你一直坚持这么做 A...

3. I knew you could do it! 我知道你可以做到的! 4. You’re a good helper! 你是个好帮手! 5. You are so responsible! 你真负责任! 6. Let’s try it again! 让我们再试试。 7. You’re so creative! 你太有创造力了! 8. Wonderful sharing !

Zheng:I will just wait for a while, since there’s nothing else I can do. It is a very tricky moment. Basically, as long as you are patient to wait for a while, be not too ...

1. “Nevermind, I’ll just do it myself.” 1.“没事,我自己来。” Marriage pro tip: When you ask your spouse to call the plumber to fix the sink, give him a chance to do it. Rolling your eyes and saying, “nevermind, I’ll do it myself” may result ...

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